Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act -2 (4th period)



August 3, 1977 by Jimmy Carter


What events or situations led to the enactment of this law?


Mining started way back in the 1740's, but as it got more popular and more people started to mine in ways that harmed the environment some states attempted to regulate mining. Unfortunately, every state had different laws so it was hard for the government to regualte mining and the coal industries. After World War II this situation became a big issue, a bill was created in the early 1970's but it was vetoed by Gerald Ford. Then it was passsed by Jimmy Carter when he became the president of the United States.






How does the law work?


The main purpose of this law is that the land that is used for mining should be restores as, or better if possible, it was before it was used for mining.


Impacts and Examples?


It protected the environment from miners that didn't care about the environment