National Park Service Act

National Park Service Act



1. The national park service act or the "Organic act" was signed on August 25, 1916 by Woodrow Wilson.

2. U.S senators and representatives such as Read Smoot and John Raker each submitted bills to create a national park service that would help manage and protect national parks.

3. One of the biggest controversies was that the first head of the NPS was Stephan Mather a successful industrialist. This was law was only accepted due to the fact that Mather accepted a yearly salary of 1$.

4. This law was established the National Park service which looked after, cleaned, managed and protected national parks and their inhabitants. This also created national heritage parks such as Essex and National trails like the Appalachian trial.

5. This law's impact was that it lead to the creation of approximatly 30 new natinoal parks and many historic parks. In a broader perspective this law lead to the increase of tourism at national parks due to that the parks have been mapped.